"Traversing the Personal and the Political: an Ethnography of Progressive Women in North Carolina politics." PhD Thesis. University of Manchester, Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology. 2019.
Publications Belknap, Emilia and Skyler Hawkins. “In Their Names: Black Women’s Political Power in the United States” Political Insight 11. 3 (Sep 2020): 12-15. [Book in preparation] The personal is (still) political: (Re)imagining gender, race and representation in the United States Other Published Works [Forthcoming, March 2021] "Crossroads" Virtual Issue for the Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute. “Black Futures Matter: Celebrating Black History Month in 2020” for Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom. “Black Lives Matter” photograph (right) for 2021 digital and print use by the American Anthropology Association. |